Dr Terry Kass receives the Mander Jones Award, 2019

As well as acting as chair of the Estonian Archives in Australia, Dr Terry Kass is a practising professional historian.
At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Australian Society of Archivists on 18 September 2020, his recent publication, Unlocking land: A guide to Crown Land Records held at State Archives NSW received an award as the best finding aid to an archival collection held in an Australian institution published in 2019. The guide has been well received within the historical profession. Both professional and amateur historians as well as archivists have welcomed this publication. The citation by the Australian Society of Archivist’s judges comment ‘This remarkable and outstanding guide unlocks the difficult to use and complex Crown Land records, and demonstrates the author’s deep and detailed knowledge of the Crown Land Records.’
Estonian Archives in Australia congratulates Dr Terry Kass on his award.