Meet the Team
Photo: Archives volunteers at the Christmas Lunch, Sydney Harbour 2014. Elvi Suviste, Jüri Woan, Reet Simmul, Maie Barrow, Eili Annuk, Hillar Suviste
Archives Volunteers
The EAA is run by a dedicated team of volunteers who meet every Wednesday to sort, arrange, describe and box the collections. Volunteers have their own projects, be it arranging the photographs, cataloguing the library, creating a database of the records of Estonian organisations in Australia or the material from Displaced Persons camps in Germany after WWII. Exhibitions and big projects are a collaborative effort.
The Archive is grateful to the associates who donate their time and expertise to enrich the work of the Archive.
Archives Advisory Council
The Archives Advisory Council oversees the work of the Archive. The Council’s members serve a 3 year term and are elected at the annual general meeting of the Council of Estonian Societies in Australia.