
Photo: Estonian Girl Guides in Adelaide, late 1950s. Imbi Uudre, Tiiu Põllusaar, Ilma Kolk, Maie Talmet, Ena Sark, Ülle Rehe, Eeva Paevere, Ann Luur, Mare Kuningas

EAA exhibitions are developed by Archive volunteers and in some cases with help from additional people or groups. Most exhibitions are held in the foyer of Estonian House, Sydney but for Estonian Festivals and special occasions, the exhibitions are displayed in other venues as well. The “DP camp life 1945-1950” exhibition has travelled around Australia and the world: Vilnius in Lithuania, Riga in Latvia, Tartu in Estonia and Turku in Finland.

Current Exhibitions

Kadri and her sister Maarja, Vosu beach, 1983
Image from "The Story Continues" Exhibition

The Story Continues

The current exhibition “The Story Continues” was originally curated as part of the Archive’s contribution to the 2010 Estonian Festival in Adelaide. 

Estonians have been coming to Australia for hundreds of years.  Some like the early sailors in 1686 only stayed a few months, others arrived in the goldrush days either legally or by jumping ship.

A large migration started in the 1920s and soon there were sizable communities in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. The big migration occurred after WWII when about 6000 Estonians arrived. 

Past Exhibitions

The Archives has put on 40 exhibitions since 1996 as listed below.  Currently we have one exhibition online, “The Great Escape 1944”.  We are aiming to display more of our past exhibitions online in the future.

February 2021

“The Story Continues 2021”, Sydney Estonian House

August 2019

“The Great Escape 1944”, Sydney Estonian House

February 2018

“DP Camp Life 1945-1950”, The Latvian Society, Riga, Latvia

September 2017

“DP Camp Life 1945-1950”, Technical University Library, Vilnius, Lithuania

September 2017

“Estonian Society of Sydney “Eesti Kodu Linda” 90 years”, Sydney Estonia House

December 2016

“DP Camp Life 1945-1950”, 26th Estonian Festival Adelaide

September 2016

“Happily Australian but Estonian too”, Sydney Estonian House

September 2015

“DP Camp Life 1945-1950”, Sydney Estonian House

September 2014

“The Great Escape from Estonia in 1944”, Sydney Estonia House

February 2013

“Womens magazines in Estonia”, Sydney Estonia House

February 2012

“Estonians in Australia before WWI”, Sydney Estonia House

November 2011

“ENUS 100 years”, Sydney Estonia House

May 2011

“Estonian money through the ages”, Sydney Estonia House

December 2010

“Our story continues”, 23rd Estonian Festival, Adelaide

November 2010

“Estonian Festivals in Australia”, Sydney Estonia House

November 2009

“Estonian Society of Sydney Folk dancers 1934-2009”, Sydney Estonia House

August 2009

“Meie Kodu 60th anniversary”, Sydney Estonia House

December 2008

“Life in a DP camp”, Sydney Estonia House

October 2007

ESS “Eesti Kodu Linda 80th anniversary “, Sydney Estonia House

January 2007

“Estonian children’s books”, Sydney Estonia House

January 2006

“Estonian food, Estonian drinks”,  21st Estonian Festival, Sydney Estonian House

February 2005

“Kalevipoeg”, Sydney Estonia House

January 2005

“Happily Australian but Estonian too”, Heritage Library, Canberra

May-June 2004

“Happily Australian but Estonian too”, Sydney Estonian House

Dec-Feb 2004

“Happily Australian but Estonian too”, 20th Estonian Festival, Immigration Museum, Adelaide

May 2003

“Estonian song”, Sydney Estonia House

May 2002

“Preserving the Estonian culture in Australia”, Sydney Estonia House

February 2002

“Dolls in Estonian national costumes”, Sydney Estonia House

August 2001

“10 years of freedom”, Sydney Estonia House

May 2001

“The folk dancing group “Virmalised”, Sydney Estonia House

April 2001

“90th anniversary of ENÜS”, Sydney Estonia House

February 2001

“The birth of the Estonian Republic and early years 1918-1940”, Sydney Estonia House

November 2000

Retrospective of author Peeter Lindsaare’s works, Sydney Estonia House

April 2000

“Estonian year of the book 2000”, Sydney Estonia House

April 2000

“Estonians in Australia 300 years”, 18th Estonian Festival Lithuanian House, Bankstown, NSW

March 2000

“Rare books in the Archive”, Sydney Estonia House

June 1999

Victory Day exhibition, Sydney Estonia House

July 1998

“The War of Independence 1918-1920”, Sydney Estonia House

November 1997

ESS “Eesti Kodu Linda” 70th anniversary, Sydney Estonia House

June 1996

“Down memory lane”, Sydney Estonia House