Archive recognised in 2023 Citizen Day awards

EAA is honoured to have been recognised in this year’s Citizen Day awards. The archive has existed for 71 years and in that time many volunteers have devoted their time and experiences both in the Archive and on the Archives Council. It is gratifying to have their contribution recognised.

“Estonia’s greatest wealth is our people. Today, I would like to thank the dedicated and inspiring people who are preserving Estonian cultural identity and raising Estonia’s profile across the world. During these momentous times in foreign policy and security, it is good to know that Estonia’s voice remains strong and we are standing on solid ground,”
Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna
Article: Foreign Ministry recognises citizen diplomats on Citizen’s Day
Kristi Karelson, Director General, Estonian Foreign Ministry, visited the Archive on 2nd of December and handed the letter, which we are now proudly displaying in the Archive, to Maie Barrow, the archivist.

The awards are made to “citizens and NGOs for their significant contribution to advancing Estonian language, culture and business in the world.”
The Archive is in Estonian House, 141 Campbell St Surry Hills, NSW 2010. It is a repository of the
history of Estonians and those of Estonian heritage, their activities and achievements. The Archive is
open on Wednesdays from 10am to 3pm. Visitors are very welcome.

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