EAA End of Financial Year Appeal

Estonian Archives in Australia - EOFY Appeal

There is only week left before the end of the financial year!

Can you help the Archives with a small donation before the end of the financial year?

Want to find Estonian relatives in Australia or your family’s history here or research some aspect of Estonian life in Australia?

The Estonian Archives in Australia holds documents, photos, audio recordings, books and other materials which can assist. Access is FREE!

We are a fully volunteer run organisation. The Archive relies on grants and donations. We appreciate all donations to help us continue our important work.

The Archives’ Kris Kaldma Fund is the only Estonian charity in Australia which the Government has recognised with Deductible Gift Recipient status: donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible.

You can donate via cheque or direct deposit and we can supply a receipt for tax purposes.

via Cheque

Please address your cheque made payable to the “Kris Kaldma Fund” and send to:

The Estonian Archives in Australia
141 Campbell St
Surry Hills NSW 2010

If you require a receipt, please provide a return address.

via Direct Deposit

Please deposit your donation to the following account:

Name: Kris Kaldma Fund
BSB: 062-016
Acct No: 11651110
Reference: Your full name

If you require a receipt, please request one via the form below.

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